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H           ABOUT US

Our school is very much different than the regular schools you normally would encounter. Ours is rather unquie.  What makes us so different is what you find in our school you wouldn't normally find in any others. For instance, we know how students hate walking around lugging their backpack, especially up all those stairs, that's why we have esculators. We also have a built in movie theater for movie tuesday, along with a indoor pool to just simply enjoy yourself. The coolest thing is we only have 3 days of school.



What type of student would excell at E.P.I.C High School?

Very good questions. A student who has motavation and determination would. One who has the skills to learn the basic skills (ex: math, science, english, Social Studies)

would make an excellent addition to our school. Also for the students who

don't want to just sit around in classm but who wants to get involved with our school.

What special classes do you offer?

Tons! We offer extra classes such as band, music/choir, Theater,

and plenty more.

Why is your school shapped like a soccer ball?

Because we all need to achieve our goals.You kick soccer balls into the goals and then you have achieved your goal. Think yourself as the the ball trying to put yourself into that goal.

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